What would it take?
By: Charlotte Qamaniq and Nathan and Eliza Mather
What would it take to transform society for the betterment of all?
I asked my children, 11 and 13
Both had answers, immediate and keen
My youngest identifies as non-binary, they have passion and fear
Homophobia is alive, let’s make that clear
Their lives are threatened, threatened for being queer
Teach children about relationships
They aren’t all straight
Ignorance leads to discrimination
We don’t need that hate.
My oldest identifies as an Indigenous male
Stereotypes will have him killed or in jail
Canada - You are filled with police brutality and hate crimes, don’t let that prevail
Identify the problem and the cause
Stereotypes are dangerous
And so are racists cops and laws
Too many endanger us
Listen, these are our society's flaws.
What would it take to transform society for the betterment of all?
Ask the children, and answer their call.